Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Woman Crush Wednesday - Dina J.

I met Dina a few months ago when her son joined my son in his third grade class. We chatted during a field trip and I was instantly inspired by her story.

Dina is a wife, mom, and business owner who cares about leading women to find their healthiest selves. Through healthy eating and exercise, Dina transformed her own body in a major way and then translated her personal experiences and hard work into a business that helps guide women in their desires for better living.

She has an unbelievable body, but her outer appearance has nothing on her inner spirit. She is soft-spoken and humble, yet utterly determined and passionate in helping women achieve their goals. And that is what makes her most beautiful.

Please meet my friend, Dina.

1) Please tell me a little about YOU.

I’m a mother of three boys, Tommy, Tyler and Trevor, an angel daughter Anna, and niece Daisha. I grew up in the Bay Area and live with my loving husband in Fresno. I went to school for Marketing and worked in Silicon Valley for 10 years. The last position I held in Silicon Valley was as a Brand Marketing Director at Covad Communitcations. When I moved to Fresno I changed careers to Health and Fitness, about which I am extremely passionate.

2) Please tell me about your work/ministry.

I own FitnessSocial Studio and online business ( with my business partner Melissa Oberti, a previous client. I have been in Health and Fitness for 12 years. I began my second career as a Weight Loss Specialist and now hold three Kettlebell certifications and am certified in TRX, Ropes, Barre. I’m also currently undergoing Deepak Chopra’s Perfect Teacher Certification Program, which includes meditation, yoga and eating to thrive. I am the creator of the Lean Out cleanse by Dina Juve, Slim Down program by Dina Juve, Summer Body plan by Dina Juve, and designed Customized Weight Loss Plans. My clients see quick results using Kettlebells, TRX, Ropes, and additional tools I personally select that are proven to maximize results. I can now usually get my clients results within two weeks, compared to the traditional six weeks when I used to train with traditional weights. The inches and weight just fall off when my clients are committed and consistent.

I spent my younger years overweight. At age 6 I was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis and spent years being inactive. At the age of 21 I finally took charge, changed my life, and started my journey to become educated on healthy living. In the last 15 years, I have lost over 80 pounds and have been successful in keeping it off. I have also worked through several medical issues in my life. I suffer from arthritis, spinal stenosis, and an autoimmune disease, so I know the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, preventing injuries, and training safely. Although it is an ongoing battle, my diagnoses do not keep me from living a fit and healthy lifestyle. Working out and eating foods that nourish my body help me manage my health better than any medication ever has. Kettlebells, TRX, Z-Health Mobility and Meditation have also helped decrease my joint and back pain as well. To find the workouts that deliver the best results in the least amount of time, I have trained with some of the top instructors around the world. I seek out the top fitness tools in the industry to maximize fast results. The workouts I select for myself and my clients provide fast results – both weight loss and a quick lean out.
3) Why are you passionate about what you do?

I love helping people feel good from the inside out! I want people to love and feel good about who they are but sometimes body issues can get in the way of really enjoying your life. I help people love where they are and then help them feel even better. I never tell someone where their weight should be; we only go by when they feel great inside and out. Working out and eating healthy can improve mental attitudes, health issues, increase energy and just make you feel better overall.

I continue to test all the workout tools I endorse and the nutrition plans I design to make sure they deliver real results without pills, artificial sweeteners, and processed foods. The results have been amazing! I have helped hundreds of people achieve the body they desire. Because everyone is unique and responds differently to workouts and nutrition, I love helping clients figure out ways to quickly transform those challenging bodies.

4) Why is it important to help others?

It is very important to us to give back to our community. At FitnessSocial we hold quarterly charity events for local charities where FitnessSocial donates 100% of the proceeds. This was written in our business plan because we feel it is that important. If we can do it more often we do, whenever possible! We firmly believe it is our responsibility to leave this world a better place for the next generation.

5) How can readers contribute/participate/come alongside you?

Continue to share and teach the importance of taking care of our bodies… it’s the only one we get! If you are in the Central Valley, support our charity events so we can make our community a healthier place to live. If you are not in the Central Valley do something in your area to teach the importance of good health.

You can find us at or on facebook.
6) What makes a woman truly beautiful?

I think all women are truly beautiful. All shapes, sizes, nationalities, personalities, and views. Our uniqueness makes each of us beautiful in our own way. It’s when we love ourselves and feel comfortable in our own skin that we really glow, and that love and beauty penetrates out into the world.

7) What do you like to do in your free time?

In my spare time I love spending time with my family. My family means the world to me. Praying, teaching my children how to be respectful and give back to our community and world, and of course snuggles, cuddles and tickles. I always enjoy researching fitness and nutrition. When I travel I always try a new workout or food. I really enjoy hiking and connecting to nature. In 2011 I hiked Mt Agassiz at 13,891. Mt. Agassiz is respectfully one of the tallest peaks in the Sierras. It is the 20th tallest peak in California. I’m currently looking for my next hiking challenge.
8) Since you’re getting on my shoebox, what’s your favorite kind of shoe?

Christian Louboutin or Jimmy Choo pumps. The higher the better – my husband is tall!


OK, I’m getting off my shoebox now.

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