Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dinner Scene

In 2000 Jayson and I traveled to Armenia.  On our way there we had a short layover in Amsterdam.  We met up with a friend of mine who took us out to dinner.  I was busy chatting and catching up with him and didn’t realize how much time was passing until Jayson gently nudged me and whispered, “When are we going to order?”  So I asked my friend if we could order and he flagged down the waitress.  He told us that the servers there leave you alone; when you’re ready to order, you have to call them over.  They don’t rush you in and out – they leave you alone to enjoy your time and conversation.  The meal is secondary.  We probably spent four hours there talking, eating and laughing.  I don’t remember what we ate, but it was one of the best meals of my life, because it was quality time spent with good friends.

My in-laws came over for dinner last week.  The table was full of food, the kids were happy, the conversation flowed.  Silas served the salad.  James put enough food on his plate for six people.  After dinner I cleaned up while the boys had popsicles.  They were at the dining room table with Papa, slurping on their popsicles.  My mother-in-law played the piano, sending music throughout the house.  As I stood at the sink washing dishes, I glanced over to the scene in the dining and family rooms.  I saw smiles, heard laughter and piano music – the love was palpable.  I’ve never felt so blessed.

I always think back to that night in Amsterdam, and how much fun we had.  But now it takes second place in my memories.

OK, I’m getting off my shoebox now.

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